iPad App and JAMF School Issues Form

iPad App and JAMF School Issues Form

A guide for how and when to use the iPad App and JAMF School Issues Form in Eduphoria.

When to fill out this form:

iPads were wiped but not going through setup steps

iPads were wiped but still coming up with old background, not the Dark Blue or Light Blue of JAMF School

iPads not connecting to EDU WIFI

Need to change iPads from staff to student or student to staff. Add note to form saying that you want this done.

Apps not installing, being slow on iPads, or not working or loading properly.

Other weird software related iPad issues that you want checked out on the iPad.

If after filling out this form you receive an email from the Student Device team that the iPad issue is fixed and you are still seeing the issue. Please then fill out a help desk ticket and send the iPad into repair.

If you fill out this form and receive an email from the Student Device team that the issue cannot be fixed remotely please then fill out a help desk ticket and send the iPad into repair.

  • Go to Eduphoria Formspace and find the iPad App and JAMF School Issues Form:

Instructional Tech Access Request Screen
  • Here is an example of what the form will look like:



  • Copy the URL in the form and paste it into your browser and then select “Make a Copy

You should only have to do this step once. You can re-use the Google Spreadsheet for future iPad App and JAMF School Issue Forms that you fill out.

Make a copy of google sheet screen
  • Fill out the iPad App Issues and JAMF School Google Spreadsheet with the iPad TipWeb numbers and check the box for the correct device issue.

Remember that you can use this Google Spreadsheet again for future iPad issues that you need to fill out the iPad App and JAMF School Issues Form for.

You can add other notes as needed onto the Google Spreadsheet before downloading it as an excel and uploading it to the form.

  • Download the Google Sheet as an Excel 

  • Upload the Excel to the iPad JAMF School Form you are filling out and then submit the form.

Don’t forget to upload the Google Spreadsheet to your Form before submitting it. We will not get your Form unless you upload the Google Spreadsheet with it since this is a required step on the form.













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