How to Set Up a Chromebook

How to Set Up a Chromebook

Follow these steps to setup/enroll a Chromebook.

Use these steps if you had to recover a Chromebook OS using the Chromebook Recovery Tool and the Chromebook needs to be Set Up in our Management System.

Use these steps if you need to set up a Chromebook that does not auto-enroll after wiping the device.

The first set of setup steps work for Chromebooks with a ChromeOS below 114. Scroll to the bottom of this help document to find the instructions for setting up newer Chromebooks with a ChromeOS above 114.

Not sure how to find the ChromeOS of your Chromebook. Check out this How to Find the ChromeOS of your Chromebook help document.

Older Chromebook Setup Steps

When the Chromebook boots up you will see the Welcome page. Press Get started.


Connect to the Guest network.


Accept the Google Terms of Service and click Continue.

Click Ctrl + Alt + E. to get to Enterprise Enrollment

Sign in with your CISD credentials followed by @conroeisd.net and click Next.

Press Done when you see Enterprise enrollment complete.

The Chromebook should go to the SSO Login Screen and say Managed by conroeisd.net.

Newer Chromebook Setup Steps

Some of the newest Chromebooks may have a slightly different look to the Setup Step Screens.

Here are the Steps with Screenshots for Setting up a Newer Chromebook after it is wiped.

Please keep in mind that Most Chromebooks are ChromeOS 120 which is the stable channel for Chromebooks.

When the Chromebook reboots you will see the Welcome page. Press Get started.

Welcome to Chromebook Get Started screen

Connect to the Guest network.

Connect to network Chromebook screen

You may see a Screen that says Checking for Updates.

If you don’t see this screen you can skip the steps here that talk about the Chromebook updating.


If you see the Checking for updates Screen and the Chromebook has an update then you will see this screen letting you know that the Chromebook is updating.


NOTE: Some Chromebooks will automatically enroll in Enterprise Enrollment.

If Enterprise Enrollment does not happen automatically, click Ctrl + Alt + E. or you can also just click on the Device Enrollment button on the bottom left side of the screen.

Either method will get you to the Enterprise Enrollment Screen which is where you want to be.


Sign in with your CISD credentials followed by @conroeisd.net and click Next.


Complete the Sign in using your CISD password and click Enroll Enterprise Device.


Click Done when you see Enterprise enrollment complete.


The Chromebook should now be on the normal Chromebook Sign in Screen.

If the Chromebook Enrolled successfully you will see text on the screen that says “Chromebook managed by Conroeisd.net.”

If you see anything other than Chromebook managed by Conroeisd.net then the Chromebook failed to enroll and will need to be wiped and set back up again.
















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