Create a Lesson Plan

Create a Lesson Plan


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Writing Your Lesson Plan

  1. Edit Your Entry
    Click on an entry to make it active, then type directly in the text area. Your changes save automatically, but you can also click Save manually.

  1. Add Learning Standards

    • Click on the course box to display the standards in the curriculum pane on the right.

    • Double-click a standard to add it to your lesson. The standard will appear in the blue/grey course box.

    • To remove a standard, right-click it and select Remove from Lesson.

  1. Use Checklists

    • If available, select Click here to select checklist items for this lesson below the course box.

    • Choose checklist items created by your district, then click Close to apply the selected items to your lesson.



Lesson Plan Toolbars

Primary Toolbar
The Primary Toolbar offers key functions to manage your lesson plans.

  • image-20241107-163320.png Change Today's Schedule: Re-add course entries, add substitute notes, or delete today’s plans (no undo).

  • image-20241107-163357.png Save: Save the current lesson plans. It automatically saves after 60 seconds or when switching days.

  • image-20241107-163405.png Print: Export or print plans in multiple formats (PDF, Word, etc.).

  • image-20241107-163418.png Spell Check: Check your entry for spelling errors (automatically highlighted in most browsers).

  • image-20241107-163429.png Undo/Redo: Undo or redo the last change made to the entry.

  • image-20241107-163440.png Link: Add a hyperlink to the entry.

  • image-20241107-163448.png Table: Will launch an interface to insert a table into the entry.

  • image-20241107-163516.png Insert a Line: Add a horizontal line for separation.

  • image-20241107-163522.png Insert Image: Upload and insert images into the entry.

  • image-20241107-163529.png Text Font and Size: Adjust the font style and size for selected text.

  • image-20241107-163536.png Bold/Italics/Underline: Format text with bold, italics, underline or strikethrough.

  • image-20241107-163600.png Text Alignment: Align text to the left, center, or right.

  • image-20241107-163620.png Numbered/Bulleted List: Create numbered or bulleted lists.

  • image-20241107-163628.png Indent/Outdent: Adjust text indentation.

  • image-20241107-163635.png Colors: Change text color using a color picker.

  • image-20241107-163641.png Subscript/Superscript: Format text as subscript or superscript.

  • image-20241107-163647.png Previous/Next: Navigate between days or weeks.

  • image-20241107-163658.png Show Learning Standards Pane: Open the learning standards panel on the right.

Entry Toolbar
The Entry Toolbar provides additional tools for specific lesson entry options.

  • image-20241107-163720.png Print Entry Options: Print the current entry or export it to PDF.

  • image-20241107-163726.png Add to My Activities: Save the lesson to your Activities folder.

  • image-20241107-163734.png Send Lesson To: Move the lesson to a different date.

  • image-20241107-163739.png More Lesson Options: Includes options to move the entry, change the title, set as default, or remove from the day's plans.

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