How do I change the screen views?

How do I change the screen views?

When you first access Home Access Center (HAC), you will be directed to the HOME page.


The HOME page will have several tabbed options such as: Week View, Calendar, and District Applications.

  1. The home screen will have Today’s News.

  2. You can change the week by simply clicking on the left/right arrows.

  3. Click on a course to view the class detail.

  4. Click on the grade to view scores, averages, points, categories, and percentages.

  5. Click an Assignment to view detailed information.

  6. Click on a weekday such as Tuesday to view that day’s detailed scheduled class information.

  7. You can also email the teacher directly by clicking on the teacher’s name under the class name.


The Attendance screen view will provide a monthly calendar showing any absences for each day.

  1. If there are any absent codes, the day will be highlighted representing an attendance code. You can simply hover your mouse curser over that day to show more details.

  2. Any day highlighted in Gray, represents either a student holiday or weekend.

  3. Click on the left or right double arrows to change the month view.


The Registration image-20250113-162030.png screen view will provide basic student information such as:

  1. Demographic

  2. Emergency

  3. Transportation

  4. FERPA

  5. You can also email the counselor

  6. and teacher directly from this page by clicking on their name at the top right and left corners
    of this page.



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