Absence Reporting System App Parent Directions

Absence Reporting System App Parent Directions

The directions below are to make it easier on parents to submit an absence when it is convenient and not have to leave a message, call the next day, send a note, or email the school.  Please remember that documentation (doctors notes, college visits, etc. will still need to be submitted to the attendance office within 48 hours.)


  1. Login to the Parent Portal

  2. Search for Student Reporting Absence:

  1. The opening screen you will see a drop down for available children to select.  Choose the child you are reporting the absence for.

  2. You will be directed to the Absence Reporting App automatically. 

  1. Following the information in the system. 

a.       Parent/Guardian submitting the form

b.       Parent/Guardian contact number

c.       Agreement that you are the parent/guardian for the selected student

d.       Date(s) of absence (multiple dates can be select by using the calendar on the right of the box)

e.       Is this an illness or health condition.

f. Yes

i. Acknowledge the Return to School Information

ii. Click Submit – Done

g. No

i. Select one of the reasons or enter a reason in other.

ii. Agree to the documentation requested by the asterisk.

h. Click Submit