How to Share or Unshare a Lesson Planner

How to Share or Unshare a Lesson Planner


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Teachers can share their lesson plans with other staff members within their school or district. This is a helpful way to collaborate on planning and lesson management. Sharing your planner allows other teachers to view and copy your lesson plans, making it useful for inclusion, content mastery, or mentoring new teachers.

Note: There's no need to share your planner with campus principals, as they already have access to view lesson planners.

Considerations Before Sharing a Lesson Planner:

  • You can edit your own lesson planner, but you cannot edit a planner shared with you by someone else.

  • You can only share with teachers who have set up their own lesson planner. (For example, if a colleague hasn’t set up their schedule, you can’t share with them yet.)

  • Sharing your planner with someone doesn’t automatically give you access to their planner. Both teachers must share with each other.

  • You don’t have to teach the same courses to share a lesson planner (e.g., a middle school math teacher can share with a high school math teacher). However, you must teach the same courses to copy from their planner to yours.

  • If a teacher leaves the district, their shared planner doesn’t automatically unshare. They must either unshare it themselves before leaving, or an administrator must do it for them.

How to Share Your Planner

  1. Access Planner Options: In the lower left corner, click on Planner Options.

  2. Select 'Change My Settings': Choose Change My Settings from the menu.

  3. Click 'Share My Planner': Select the Share My Planner option to begin sharing.

  4. Add or Remove Teachers: Add a teacher by selecting their name, or remove a teacher by clicking the remove option next to their name.

This allows you to control who has access to your lesson planner for easy collaboration.


Unsharing a Lesson Planner

Eduphoria recommends unsharing your planner at the end of the school year and then resharing it with the correct team members at the start of the next year. This helps keep your planner organized and ensures that everyone has the right access.

To unshare your planner:

  1. Follow the steps above to access your shared planner settings.

  2. Select the teacher you want to remove by clicking on their name.

  3. Click Remove Teacher.

  4. Repeat the process until all users are removed at the end of the year.

This ensures that your planner is cleared of unnecessary access before the new school year begins.

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