EAC-Updating Contact Information (Employee Access Center)

You must be logged into your Employee SSO first, then click on the EAC app to open your account.

  • You can find your EAC app in your Employee Portal Folder found on your SSO home page.










  • Or Search for the app by typing EAC then clicking on the app.

  • The app will open to your Main Demographics Information page.

  • Click “Update” and the next screen will allow you to Edit your Personal Information.

  • Please keep your Personal Email and Phone Number updated (do NOT list your CISD Email or Campus Phone number here). If you’re ever in need of assistance with any of your accounts, we’ll need an alternate way of contacting you. It also serves as a security verification for us to identify you.

  • Also update this information in your SSO Password Recovery Settings.

  • Please also add/update any other contact information you wish to include in this section.

  • Then click SAVE.