Chromebook: EDU WIFI Troubleshooting Tips

A guide for different troubleshooting tips to try if a Chromebook is not connecting to EDU WIFI.

  • Click on the date and time in the right-hand corner of the screen as shown below.

Date and time highlighted on bottom right corner of Chromebook screen
  • Click on the Network drop-down arrow and then select CISD-Guest.

  • Click Accept


  • Wait a few minutes to make sure the connection was successful, then close this window.

  • On the Network screen, wait a few minutes and see if the Chromebook switches automatically from CISD-Guest to CISD-EDU.

  • IF it does not then you can try to force the switch to EDU by turning the WIFI off and then back on again.

  • How to Toggle WIFI Off and On Again

  • Click on the WIFI menu bar in the bottom right corner of CB Screen


  • Click on the drop down arrow under the WIFI symbol

  • Use the Toggle Switch to turn the WIFI off and then back on again.

  • After doing this the CB should start connecting to EDU WIFI


Advanced Tip to Try if CB Still not Switching to EDU


  • If you have a CB that looks like this even after trying everything above:



Try following these steps:


  • Make sure first that you have Guest WIFI Selected

  • If the CB is trying to go to CISD Wireless then you will have to forget that network and then select Guest WIFI. If the CB is on Guest already but just not connecting, skip to step 5.

  • Click the network symbol in the bottom right corner of screen to open all the networks and click on the Network Symbol next to CISD Wireless.


  1. This will open up the settings for CISD Wireless. Click Forget. Then select CISD Guest


  1. Now that you are on CISD Guest and it is still not connecting then click Browse as Guest.



  1. This will open a Guest Browsing Window. In the URL space type and press Enter.



  1. A “Your connection is not private”  message will open. Click Advanced.


  1. On the next Screen you will see a Link that starts with Proceed To, Click it to move on.


  1. The next screen will be the Guest WIFI Accept Screen, Click Accept.


  1.  The next screen should say Connection Successful, stay on this screen and wait.

  1.  After waiting the screen will change to this screen.  Again, you don’t have to do anything, just give it some more time.


  1.  After waiting for some time the screen will go blank and then open up the SSO Login page and you should be connected to EDU.  



  • If you have these two items:

    • Ethernet Cord & Ethernet to USB Adapter (if someone on your campus has a Microsoft Surface they will likely have one of these)