Strive Goal Lifecycle

Strive Goal Lifecycle


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Goal setting helps you reflect on your current professional practices, identify areas for growth, create a plan to achieve those goals, and track progress. In Strive, both Appraisers and Appraisees can set, submit, and edit professional goals. Secure messaging attached to each goal allows ongoing communication between the Appraiser and Appraisee until the goal is marked complete.


Goal Management Process

The Appraisee creates a goal.


The Appraisee submits the goal for approval. (Optional The Appraisee and Appraiser discuss the goal using the Messages section. The Appraisee edits the goal based on feedback and resubmits it for approval.)


The Appraiser approves the goal.

A History section will appear if the goal is resubmitted after being approved. The goal can be edited and resubmitted until it is marked complete. Once marked complete, the goal becomes uneditable.


The Appraisee completes the required actions and attaches evidence.


The Appraisee marks the goal as Complete.


The Appraiser and Appraisee reach a consensus, and either can archive the goal.


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