Forethought Frequently Asked Questions

Forethought Frequently Asked Questions


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Here are some frequently asked questions and solutions to common issues encountered while using Forethought. Whether you're setting up your planner, sharing plans with colleagues, or troubleshooting specific features, these FAQs provide simple answers to help you navigate the system more efficiently.


Q: I am teaching multiple grade levels but the same subject. I only want 2 entries.
A: You can use the setup wizard to create a "Course that Mirrors Another Course in My Schedule." First, set up your schedule for the course you will be teaching with the "Course with Learning Standards" option. Then, add another grade level as "A Course that Mirrors Another Course" and link it to the same learning standards.

Q: How do I remove myself from someone else's planner? They no longer work here, but their planner still shows on my list.
A: You need to contact the person who owns the planner and ask them to remove you. If the person no longer works in the district, follow this link to submit a ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria to have them impersonate the user's account and remove you from the planner settings.

Q: I used to see a shared planner but it’s no longer showing. How do I get that planner back?
A: It seems the owner removed your access to the shared planner. Reach out to the original owner or, if it’s a team planner, contact a team member to have you re-added.

Q: I need to change my classes in Forethought. I can't add new lesson plans because it still shows last year's schedule.
A: You need to update your schedule for the current year. Go to Change My Settings, remove your old schedule, and then add the new one.

Q: My planner isn't spaced out well. Every day, I have to adjust it. Is there a way to save these changes?
A: Yes, make the adjustments on a free day in your planner, then go to the Entry Toolbar and choose Set as Default Text for Entry. This will save your layout for future use.

Q: I changed grade levels this year, but my planner still isn’t showing the right grade level.
A: Profile updates do not automatically change your planner. You need to manually update it by going to Change My Settings, removing the old schedule, and adding the new one.

Q: I am trying to add a teacher to my Team Planner but we are having trouble. What are we doing wrong?
A: The teacher you want to add may not have set up their Forethought schedule yet. They need to complete this setup before you can add them to your team planner.

Q: I am mentoring a new teacher. What is the best way for us to share plans?
A: Use the Share Planner feature to allow the mentor and mentee to share plans. This lets the new teacher view and copy plans into their own planner.

Q: When I change my schedule, why don’t all my lesson plans automatically change?
A: Forethought doesn’t automatically update your plans when your schedule changes. You need to remove the old schedule and apply the new one manually. Be cautious not to delete any plans you’ve already created.

Q: My Team Planner isn't allowing me to add Special Entries. How can I fix this?
A: Team Planners don't allow special entries. You can create a new course, such as "Team Planning," and add it to your schedule, allowing team members to customize their planners.

Q: I am having trouble copying a week from my Team Planner to my individual planner. When I use the copy wizard, nothing copies over.
A: If days are already stamped or have plans, the system won’t allow new plans to copy over. Delete the existing plans first, then use the copy wizard. Also, ensure the course in the team planner matches a course you’re teaching.

Q: We use a different tool for creating our lesson plans. When I copy/paste to Forethought, the text looks strange. How can I fix this?
A: Some programs use different formats, causing formatting issues when pasted into Forethought. To fix this, paste the text into a simple text editor (like Notepad), save it as a .txt file, then paste it into Forethought. This removes unwanted formatting.

Q: I will be teaching semester-long courses and need to track standards separately for each semester. What should I do?
A: At the semester break, update your schedule by adding the new course and removing the old one. Your lesson plans will remain, and you can track standards for each semester.

Q: Should I copy all my plans from last year to this year?
A: It's not recommended to copy everything from last year. Copy a few weeks at a time (10-15 instructional days). Since calendars and student groups change yearly, it’s best to update plans based on the current year's needs.

Q: How do I copy from my planner to my team planner?
A: There is no wizard for copying plans directly from your individual planner to a team planner. You must manually copy the text and paste it into the team planner. Attachments and learning standards won’t be copied over.

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket in Eduphoria. Here are the steps to complete your helpdesk ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria

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