Create and Share Activities

Create and Share Activities


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My Activities Tab

All teachers have access to a My Activities tab. Activities can be created either within a lesson plan entry or directly in the My Activities tab. After editing, teachers can publish these activities to the district's scope and sequence, where they will be reviewed and approved by district curriculum managers. Publishing activities allows the district to build a more comprehensive scope and sequence, incorporating exemplary lesson plans created by teachers.


Create an Activity from a Lesson Plan

  1. Create a lesson entry for any day, including standards, checklist items, and any relevant resources.

  2. In the Entry Toolbar, click the gear icon to Add this Lesson to My Activities tab.

  1. Click OK on the pop-up confirmation message.

  2. Go to the My Activities tab to view the newly added activity. The default title will be "Activity for" followed by the course/entry name.

  3. Select the activity to begin editing.

  4. Enter a new title for the activity and click Save.

Create an Activity from Scratch

  1. Go to the My Activities tab.

  2. Click the Create a New Activity button at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Select the course for which you want to create a new activity. You can choose from your own courses or share the activity with another grade level or subject.


Edit an Activity

You can edit activities to make updates or improvements. Be sure to click Save after making any changes.

  1. Select the activity you want to edit.

  2. Identify the most important Learning Standard related to the activity in the course/entry box.

  3. Right-click on that standard and select Set as Primary Learning Standard. This links the activity to the chosen standard and makes it easier to search for later.

  4. Click Save to apply your changes.


View Activities by Learning Standard

  1. Go to the My Planner tab.

  2. Click on the entry/course.

  3. Select the Primary Learning Standard from the activity.

  4. In the bottom-right panel of your lesson planner, open the Resources tab. When the Primary Learning Standard is selected, any activities linked to it will appear here.

    • Activities you created will be labeled with "(My Activity)" in the title.

    • Activities created by others and approved by your district Curriculum Administrators will not have "(My Activity)".


Use an Activity Again

  1. Go to the My Planner tab.

  2. Select the date in your planner where you want to add the activity.

  3. Click on the entry/course to open the curriculum panel.

  4. Click on the Primary Learning Standard in the curriculum panel.

  5. Open the Resources tab at the bottom of the panel.

  6. Double-click the activity you want to use. (A single-click shows a preview but no attachments.)

  7. Click the Use in Plans button to add the activity to your planner.


Publish & Share an Activity in Your District

  1. Go to the My Activities tab.

  2. Select the activity you want to publish.

  3. Click the Publish button.

  4. To publish anonymously, check the box for Publish Anonymously.

  5. Your lesson will be sent to the district Curriculum Manager for approval. If approved, the activity will be available to anyone teaching the course and using the primary learning standard.


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