Create a New Standard Assessment

Create a New Standard Assessment

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Campus and district test authors and teachers can select from four options for creating a new test or key

  • Create New Standard Assessment

  • Create New Rubric Assessment

  • Create New Quick Test Key

  • Copy Test Under Actions

  • Create New Assessment from ZIP File

Please note that user roles and rights will dictate access and editing capabilities for the created assessment.

First you will select Author, then under New Assessment select Create New Standard Assessment.



This will open the test creation window, where users can add the test title, select a subject, assign a grade level and performance level percentages, choose a test type, associate a primary course, and link any applicable campus(es), before clicking Generate Test.

The assessment naming convention in Aware for Conroe ISD is required for all Campus Assessments. Assessments that do not adhere to the naming convention will not be archived and will be deleted during the summer. Once deleted, a test will be permanently erased from Eduphoria and will need to be recreated. Find more info here.


Select your first item type. Users can choose from questions that are suitable for both print and online formats, such as multiple choice; questions that are online only, like interactive item types; and questions from item banks.


After creating your first question, you can add more items by clicking the plus sign, which will display a drop-down menu of available item type options.


Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket in Eduphoria. Here are the steps to complete your helpdesk ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria


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