View-It and eSchool together for PAC issues

Using View-It in conjunction with eSchool will help answer (parent) questions regarding PAC accounts. If they have one, why they can’t register, trouble logging in, etc.

Parents inquiring about their PAC accounts:

  • Parents that say they can’t login to their PAC account-must first create/have aPAC account.

  • Parents must have an Email listed in their child’s registration information in eSchool.

  • You can check if they have a PAC account by checking the bottom of the View-It page of their student.

    • At the bottom of the student View-It page there is a green section. If the parent has a PAC account, you will see their email address and date created.

    • The email they are entering to login must match the email of the PAC account they created.

    • If the registration email has changed and is different than the PAC email, the old PAC account is still accessible.

      • However, if they no longer have access to the old email and have forgotten their Password, they cannot retrieve the PW.

      • Grade updates will not be sent to a non-working email address.

    • If the parent changes their email in registration with the campus Registrar, and will no longer have access to the old email, they must CREATE a NEW PAC ACCOUNT.

  • If the Parent does not have an account there will either be nothing listed at the bottom……

  • …..or just the Student Email may be listed.

Trouble Registering for a PAC account:

  • Using eSchool and VIEW-IT together to help parents enter the correct information to register for a PAC account.

  • Make sure what you see in the student information in View-It matches what is in eSchool.

    • Check for extra spaces in eSchool fields and information. Extra spaces will cause the correct information the parent is entering to not be accepted on the online form.

    • Check what fields first and middle names, etc. are entered. If the student’s first and middle name are entered on the “first name” line and the parent is entering the middle name on the form in the correct field for middle name, their registration form will be rejected.

    • Check to be sure their email is entered correctly, spaces, spelling, letters, dots, underscores, etc.

    • Check that all information that the parent is entering is the same as, and up to date, in eSchool.


The parent may say they have previously created an account, but it is now gone.

  • Parents are not automatically given a PAC account when registering their child in a Conroe ISD school. The must fill out the online registration form from the Parent Access Page found on our CISD website.

  • Check the student's registration information in eSchool under “Registration”, “Student Demographics”, “Entry/Withdrawal” to see if the student was withdrawn at some point and returned.

    • When a student is withdrawn, or moved schools (also withdrawn), the parent’s PAC account is automatically deleted.


Note for REGISTRARS: Separating Parents into Parent Guardian 1 & Parent Guardian 2.

  • When both parents have an email listed in their child/ren's registration information, they can both create a PAC account.

    • HOWEVER, only the “Primary” email will have access to Parent Canvas.

    • For both Parents to use their PAC account (email) and Password for Parent Canvas, they must first be separated into Parent Guardian 1 & Parent Guardian 2 in eSchool Registration by the Registrar. This would make both emails a “Primary Email” giving them both access in Canvas using their PAC account credentials.

  • Parent Canvas can be accessed using the parent's PAC account credentials. PAC Email and Password.

  • Once the PAC account has been created, their Parent Canvas account will be accessible in 24 hours. (Our systems need to sync and update overnight.)

  • If the parent wishes to change the systems generated PAC password they were assigned, they must wait 24 hours after changing it for our systems to sync with one another overnight.

    • Updated PAC passwords are available immediately for PAC account logins.

    • PAC passwords can be updated once logged in under the Settings tab.