Test Proctoring

Test Proctoring

If a teacher is unavailable to administer a test in Aware, another user can be assigned as a Test Proctor to start and stop the test for the teacher. Note: This access is not automatically granted—you must apply for it using the Eduphoria User Access Request Form.

Users with the Test Proctoring Administration right can access limited test administration features for teachers at their school. By impersonating the Tests Available feature, they can:

  • Proctor online tests

  • Print answer sheets, test booklets, and reference materials

  • Preview online tests

First, go to Assessments and click on Proctor.

Select a school from the drop-down menu or search for the teacher whose test you need to proctor.

Choose the correct test under Tests Available.


Use the Online Test Proctoring tab to start and stop the test.


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