Gradebook Passback (GPB)

Gradebook Passback (GPB)

Conroe ISD Information Systems is pleased to introduce Gradebook Passback (GPB) between your Canvas Gradebook and your official District, Teacher Access Center (TAC) Gradebook!

Gradebook Passback has begun rolling out. Campuses will be notified as it is enabled.



  • Assignments will sync for each student one time. If an existing grade exists in TAC, the grade will not be updated. (Caveat: If during the initial sync, the student did not have a score in the Canvas Gradebook, and then after the sync the student earns a grade, a resync from GPB will transfer the score to TAC as long as one does not exist in TAC)

  • All grade corrections must be done in TAC

  • All syncs are on-demand. They currently cannot be scheduled.



  • You must be the primary (teacher of record) teacher of the course you wish to sync.

  • Assignments must graded based on Points. Other grade types are not currently supported.

  • Assignment due dates must be within the current grading period.

  • Assignments must be published.


Getting Started:

  1. On your SSO (ClassLink) Launchpad, select the Grade Passback app.

  1. Once you are logged in, the system will search for Canvas courses

    Gradebook Passback Screen



  2. Click on the name of the course you wish to sync grades from. GPB will begin searching for assignments in that class.

If you have a lot of assignments, it may take several moments to return a list of assignments

  1. Once the list of eligible assignments loads, select the checkbox next to any assignment you want to sync into TAC. When you are ready, click “Sync Selected to SIS”


  2. After clicking “Sync Selected to SIS”, a popup will appear acknowledging that the sync request was sent. A loading indicator will appear next to each assignment you selected to sync. You will see either an orange message displaying “Waiting in Queue”, a green spinner, a red message displaying “Failed”, or a green message displaying “Posted to SIS”.


  3. If the sync request was successful, a badge displaying “Posted to SIS” will appear. You will also receive an email for each assignment synced with the results.

Once an assignment has been synced to SIS, the name must match in both Canvas and TAC, otherwise a new assignment may be created.

  1. Check the TAC gradebook and verify your grades.

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